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IsoMetrix, an integrated risk and compliance management software specialist looking to the Future: U

   2020-09-21 11180
If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is that technology is vital to the management of risk and business continuit
If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is that technology is vital to the management of risk and business continuity.

IsoMetrix customers worldwide are delighted with our service and commitment to continual innovation. Year on year, IsoMetrix is committed to ongoing research and development continuing to develop innovative and agile solutions that are relevant to our customers’ evolving needs.

Zander Rautenbach, Chief Technology Officer at IsoMetrix shares a mid-year summary of the upcoming features being released on our web and mobile platforms as part of our strategic product roadmap.

1. Why Analysis

Why Analysis diagrams allow leaders to visually organize large amounts of data into relationship structures. These relationship structures are then used to identify potential root causes that may trigger an event chain. This visual approach to problem solving enables managers to broaden their scope of thinking by focusing on the overall picture of the problem.

By integrating Why Analysis into the IsoMetrix incident management solution, our customers can leverage industry best practices for more robust analysis. Furthermore, IsoMetrix is implementing Why Analysis diagrams in a configurable manner, allowing diagrams to be customized to meet individual customer needs.

2. Offline Mobile Application Enhancements

As part of our ongoing strategic drive to improve the IsoMetrix Offline Mobile application, we are offering the following new features in the upcoming releases.

  • Full Multi-Language Support

Many of our customers operate across multiple countries and inevitably have a portion of their workforce for whom English is not their primary language. This can lead to challenges of platform adoption and/or inaccurate data capture.

The IsoMetrix offline mobile application now contains a multi-language feature that allows the user interface to be translated into any number of different languages. This will enable leaders to access and use the application in their preferred language and increase understanding and platform adoption across multiple sites.

  • Selective Data Synchronization

Speed and usability are fundamental to excellent mobile apps.

While users are already able to leverage the IsoMetrix offline mobile application technology and sync records back to the server when back online, we wanted to optimize further to improve the overall user experience.

We are now giving users the option to select specific records before initiating the sync process. By selecting smaller sub-sets of records, performance will improve as it limits the data being processed during the transaction.

  • User Interface Refresh

At IsoMetrix, we strive to develop features and functionality that provide our customers with a holistic risk management system. At the same time, it is important that the tool is intuitive and easy to use.

based on customer feedback, we are updating the user interface of the offline mobile application for better usability. In addition to implementing a new design theme, the update will align the mobile application with functionality that is currently available in the web-based application. Something that we will continue to enhance in future releases as new features are made available.

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