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Red-on-line is offering complimentary legal watch to help EHS leaders tackle COVID-19

   2020-04-22 3360
Red-on-line, an EHS compliance and risk management software provider, has launched COVID-19 Legal Watch; a complimentary resource that informs firms on the evolving COVID-19 regulatory landscape.

Red-on-line has launched COVID-19 legal watch to help businesses get a clear sense of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 regulatory landscape. Business leaders and EHS professionals can now access the latest government regulations and guidance related to COVID-19 for free.

At these unprecedented times, having the right information is critictal for businesses to anticipate and take effective action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their workforce. The widespread misinformation from unreliable sources adds to the confusion surrounding the pandemic. Over the last 20 years, we have built an extensive network of EHS experts and consultants around the world who track and analyse regulatory changes in real-time. Our expertise enables us to quickly identify and analyse COVID-19 regulations and guidelines from credible sources, and share that information with people who need them the most to make informed decisions during these challenging times.

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