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工业卫生/职业卫生 英文顾问讲师Industrial Hygiene

放大字体  缩小字体 2020-09-23 681
行业 EHS Consulting 职位 EHS Consulting
招聘部门 招聘人数 若干
工作地区 China 工作性质 Full-time
性别要求 Unlimited 婚姻要求 Unlimited
学历要求 Bachelor Degree 工作经验 5年以上
年龄要求 不限年龄 待遇水平 30-40kUSD/月
更新日期 2020-09-23 有效期至 Long-term effective

We are searching for Persons who are passionate about consulting on EHS management practices. conduct onsite/remote safety and risk assessments, seminars and training to our customers


功能安全 Functional Safety


粉尘爆炸Dust Hazard Analysis


应急管理Emergency Management


危险区域划分Hazardous area classification(HAC)


EHS法规标准EHS Laws and Standards


变更管理和启动前安全检查MOC and PSSR


工艺安全文化Process Safety Culture


静电危害评估Electrostatic Hazard Assessment (EHA)


食品卫生和安全Food Hygiene and Safety


机械完整性Mechanical Integrity


承包商安全管理Contractor Safety




激光安全 Laser Safety


机器人安全 Robot Safety


工业通风 Ventilation


行为安全Behavior Safety


EHS领导力 Safety Leadership


EHS文化 Safety Culture


EHS战略 EHS Strategy


人机风险 Ergonomic


工艺安全 Process Safety


工作安全分析 JHA/JSA


施工安全 Construction Safety


危化管控/化学品安全 Hazardous Chemicals


防爆 Explosion Prevention


危害与可操作性分析 HAZOP


电气安全Electrical Safety


企业节能减排Energy Saving


工业卫生 Industrial hygiene


职业健康 Occupational Health


机械防护 Machine Guarding


实验室安全 Laboratory safety


通风除尘 Dust removal


降噪隔声 Noise reduction


上锁挂牌 LOTO


EHS审计 EHS Audit


事故调查及根本原因分析 Incident investigation and root cause analysis


EHS体系认证 ISO45001/ISO14001


坠落防护 Fall Protection


EHS可视化 EHS Visual


急救培训 First Aid


有限空间 Confined Space


辐射安全 Radiation Safety


叉车安全 Forklift safety


班组长安全培训 Workshop Foreman Safety




防御性驾驶 Defensive driving


消防安全 Fire Protection


企业社会责任 CSR


游乐园安全Amusement Safety


等等 and so on…


反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 评论 0
 EHSCity is the world’s first comprehensive EHS service brand which was established in 2011.With more than 100,000 times of website visitor volume per week and over 60,000 member, EHSCity is becoming a world’s leading service platform for EHS solutions.
       Our Mission is Promoting the whole society's EHS Level with Total Solutions to all kinds of EHS risks and challenges. To fulfill the mission, we are dedicated to developing a platform that could provide EHS products and services of competitive prices and top quality. We believe the quality is the first priority in the process of cooperating with the EHS experts, as well as developing the suppliers, and selecting the partners. Meanwhile, we are facilitated by the experts with more than 20 years of experiences to perform quality process management on the products and the services. To implement our competitive prices, we concentrate on the a business model of no-store sales and online shops as well as scale operations, with "simplicity and dedication" as our development concept to optimize the business process, we are committed to supporting the enterprises to realize best EHS management with the minimum cost.
       Since the foundation of EHSCity, we spared no efforts on quality improvement as our target. Both the experts we cooperated with and the suppliers and partners are all industry elites. By centralizing the advantages from all aspects, we can deliver "One-stop" professional EHS services with competitive prices and high quality products to support organizations to achieve best EHS management with minimum costs.
       EHSCity will constantly extend the product lines and improve user experiences in the future. We believe the most diverse products, the competitive prices and superb customer services will contribute to reducing EHS risks for more domestic and international enterprises and at the same time, increasing productivity.
  EHSCity Total Solution

From Strategy To Implementation EHS Integrated Service Supplier
1 Strategic Level
1.1 Strategic change consultation, strategic planning
1.2 Organizational guarantee
1.3 EHS Leadership Training
2 EHS Culture Level
2.1 EHS Culture Consulting
2.2 EHS experiencing Training Center(VR/Actual )
2.3 EHS Promoting Products(Safety Month)
3 Management and technology level
3.1 Consulting &Training
3.1.1 EHS Management System
3.1.2 Safety Leadership
3.1.3 Applied Ergonomics
3.1.4 Behavior Based Safety
3.1.5 Process Safety
3.1.6 Safety Culture
3.1.7 Environmental Mangement
3.1.8 Occupational Hygiene
3.1.9 EHS Visual
3.1.10 Laws & Regulations
3.1.11 Lockout, Tagout
3.1.12 incident investigation and root cause analysis
3.1.13 The Effective EHS Leaders
3.1.14 Maching Guarding
3.1.15 Safety management tools and methods
3.1.16 Defensive driving
3.1.17 Radiation health and safety
3.1.18 Electrical safety management
3.1.19 Chemical management
3.1.20 CSP Training
3.2 EHS Audit
3.2.1 EHS Compliance Audit
3.2.2 Special Audit(Process Safety、Electrial Safety)
3.3 Software
3.3.1 EHSCity Wechat System (BBS/E-learning/Test)
3.3.2 EHS Laws Database
3.3.3 EHSCity Bigdata Platform
4 Site Improving Level
4.1 Engineering Control
4.1.1 Ergonomics Improvement
4.1.2 Sound environment Control
4.1.3 VOCs Engineering
4.1.4 Industrial Ventilation
4.1.5 Damage Prevention
4.1.6 Outdoor Chemical Safety Storage
4.1.7 Waste water evaporator
4.1.8 Anti-slip Engineering
4.1.9 Dock Lock
4.2 EHS Products
4.2.1 Lockout, Tagout
4.2.2 EHS Visual
4.2.3 Instrumentation
4.2.4 Chemical Control
4.2.5 Safety Tools
4.2.6 First Aid
4.2.7 PPE
4.2.8 Traffic Safety
4.2.9 Clean Products

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