By acquiring ehsAI, Intelex gets its hands on a machine learning application which has proven success in automating the process of translating complex environmental compliance documents into specific compliance requirements. The firm claims customers benefit from cost savings of up to 80% compared to manual coding of regs and permits as well as higher levels of accuracy, complete digitization of paperwork and elimination of duplicated effort for the same site. The practical success of the ehsAI machine learning algorithm is reflected in the willingness of EHS consultancies like AECOM and Jacobs to embed the tool in their workflows. The ehsAI ML engine is also designed to integrate with EHS software applications like Intelex to create compliance action plans and flag non-compliant operations.
In just two years, ehsAI has proven out the viability of its ML engine to process environmental regs and permits. Its ability to ingest, deconstruct, interpret, index and action complex regulatory documents can be applied to numerous other categories of semi-structured documents. Within the EHS domain these include standard operating procedures, guidelines, management procedures and chemical inventories. The content agnostic design of the ML engine means it has impressive scalability to automate the processing of different document types, non-English text and domains outside EHS. Expansion of the ehsAI footprint will only be limited by factors like customer skepticism about AI and the speed at which the ML engine acquires sufficient accuracy to prove success. By deploying ehsAI to Intelex’s 1,300 EHS software customers the rate of penetration should be greatly accelerated.