2020 Department of Energy Laser Safety Officer Workshop
Workshop Description
DOE Event ID 38203: 2020 DOE Laser Safety Officer Workshop; March 31 – April 2, 2020.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Workshop is for individuals with responsibility for, or interest in, laser safety in a research or academic setting. This 2.5-day Workshop will include both invited and contributed talks on current laser applications, and associated laser safety issues and solutions. The final day of the Workshop serves as the official meeting of the DOE–Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Laser Safety Task Group, and a discussion group meeting of the Academic and Medical Laser Safety Officer (AMLSO) user group. The Board of Laser Safety (BLS) is also offering its Certified LSO (CLSO) examination prior to the Workshop.
Certification Maintenance (CM) points and Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for Workshop participation will be determined at the conclusion of the Workshop. Previously, the BLS awarded 2.5 CM points, the American Academy of Health Physics awarded 20 CEC's, and the American Board of Industrial Hygiene awarded 16 hours of CM credit.
联系人:R. DeWayne Holcomb