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OSH India commences its 8th edition in Mumbai

   2020-03-10 138Status
Date 1606320000 - 1606492799
City India
Address Times Square, Unit No. 1 & 2, B Wing, 5th Floor, Andheri-Kurla Road, Marol, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400072 India
Hall Informa Markets India Private Limited Mumbai Head Office
Sponsor Bombay Exhibition Centre
OSH India commences its 8th edition in Mumbai

Creating and sustaining awareness for Occupational Safety and Health in the industry

South Asia’s largest trade show for Occupational Safety & Health industry by Informa Markets in India

Mumbai, 28th November 2019: Informa Markets in India (formerly UBM India), India’s leading B2B event organiser, commenced its 8th edition of OSH India today at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. The two day expo ( 28th- 29th November ) catering to the occupational safety and health industry brought together internationally renowned exhibitors, consultants, business experts and key government officials on a single platform to discuss global best practices and seek solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in the field of workplace safety and health.  

The inaugural ceremony of OSH India, 2019 took place in the presence of Key Dignitaries - Mr. Lalit Gabhane, Director General, National Safety Council, Mr. Santosh Warick, Chief Fire Officer & Fire Advisor, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mr. Mike Robinson, Chief Executive, British Safety Council, Dr. Sidram K. Raut, National President, Indian Association of Occupational Health and Mr. Hemant Sapra, President, Safety Appliances Manufacturers’ Association, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, for Informa Markets in India and Mr. Pankaj Jain, Group Director, Informa Markets in India amidst an august industry gathering.

联系人:Bombay Exhibition Centre
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