EHS & OPEX Innovation Summit Americas 2020
The tenth Verdantix Summit convenes senior managers in EHS, operations and engineering roles from diverse industries to share insights on how to improve EHS & OPEX outcomes with innovative technologies such as software, mobile apps, drones, in-vehicle monitoring, virtual reality training, smart PPE and data analytics. EHS and operations leaders need to craft a new mission statement which aligns with delivering value to the business rather than policing compliance with EHS regulations. There is a burning need to reposition the EHS function away from being a cost of doing business. There is a growing realization that EHS performance has a significant impact on operational – and therefore financial - performance. Risk-centric EHS management systems are delivering superior results to compliance-centric approaches. Verdantix research shows that executing on this new business value mission statement for EHS can be better achieved by supporting changes in people and process with better data and technology.
