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NSC 2019 Congress & Expo 9/9~12

   2019-07-21 300Status
Date 1567958400 - 1568303999
City MA
Address 7 Technology Park Drive, Bourne, MA 02532
Hall 7 Technology Park Drive
Sponsor NSC
 Access includes:
  • Opening Session and Keynotes
  • 132 - Technical Sessions
  • 7- NSC Learning Lab Sessions
  • FREE lunch voucher (Monday and Tuesday only)
  • Expo floor for 3-days


Full Congress & Expo*

Registration Fees


Early Rate

(Before June 14)


Advance Rate

(June 15-August 2)

Standard Rate

(August 3 and beyond)

NSC Member

$ 705

$ 860

$ 900


$ 850

$ 1,025

$ 1,100


$ 705

$ 860

$ 900








*Group rates are available on Full Congress & Expo pricing for companies who register 5 or more employees. To participate, please contact Becky Krauss before August 9 at (630) 775-2161 or Rebecca.Krauss@nsc.org

**To qualify for a student registration, you must be enrolled as a full-time student in the U.S. and not currently employed as a safety professional. All student registrations must be submitted online with credentials. 



Expo only 3 - Day

Access includes:

  • Opening Session
  • 7 - NSC Learning Lab sessions
  • Expo floor for 3-days


Expo Only
Registration Fees

Early Rate
(Before June 14)

Advance Rate
(June 15 - August 2)

Standard Rate
(August 3 and beyond)

NSC Member

$ 150

$ 175

$ 200



$ 175

$ 200

$ 225




$ 150

$ 200

$ 225

Expo only 1-Day

Access includes:


  • NSC Learning Lab sessions for 1-day
  • Expo floor for 1-day





Expo Only
Registration Fees

Early Rate
(Before June 14)

Advance Rate
(June 15 - August 2)

Standard Rate
(August 3 and beyond)

One Day: M T W (choose one)

$ 100

$ 125





​​​​​Professional Development Seminars

Session Number

Session Title

Early Rate
(Before June 14)

Advance Rate
(June 15-Aug. 2)

(Aug. 3 and beyond)

    NSC Member /Government Non-Member NSC Member /Government Non Member NSC Member /Government Non-Member
201 Associate Safety Professional (ASP) Examination Preparation Workshop (3 days) $700 $850 $750 $900 $850 $1,050
202 Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Exam Prep Workshop $700 $850 $750 $900 $850 $1,050
203 Principles of Occupational Safety & Health (POSH) (4 days) $950 $1,150 $1,050 $1,250 $1,150 $1,350
204 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (FIH) (4 days) $950 $1,150 $1,050 $1,250 $1,150 $1,350
205 The Safety Training Ninja $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
206 Measuring Safety Performance: How Do You Know if Your Safety Management System is Working? $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
207 Electrical Safe Work Practices: NFPA 70E $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
208 The Buzz on Drugs and Preparing a Sound Program for 2020 "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
209 Conducting Workplace Safety Inspections $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
210 Workplace Violence, Sexual Harassment and Occupational Safety "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
211 Greenbean Leadership Workshop "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
212 Job Safety Analysis $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
213 "Safe 4", A Safety Culture Program...That Works! $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
214 Improving Your Leadership With Effective Communication and Influence "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
215 Safety Leadership and the Power of Emotional Intelligence: How Smart Are You? $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
216 Actively Caring for People's Safety: How to Cultivate and Sustain a Brother's/Sister's Keeper Work Culture $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
217 Reducing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
218 Behavior-based Safety for Today’s Realities $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
219 Ergonomics: Managing for Results $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
220 Incident Investigation: Root Cause Analysis $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
221 Measuring and Changing Risk Culture: Advanced Techniques for the Safety Professional "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
222 Mindfully Safe: Help Your Employees Avoid Mishaps by Keeping Their Mind on the “Task at Hand” "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
223 You Can Be a Better Edutainer $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
224 Risk Assessment Toolkit: Strategies and Methodologies for Measuring, evaluating and Controlling Risk $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
225 Level Up: Add World-Class Value, Break Through an EHS Career Plateau, and Earn a Promotion Fast! "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
226 Making Safety Happen: How to Create a High-Performing Safety Culture "NEW" $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500
227 The Behavioral Safety System: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Human Behavior and Safety $325 $400 $375 $450 $425 $500


联系人:Ace Hsu
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