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slp environmental

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SLP Environmental (SLP) is an award winning ASEAN consulting company specialising in the provision of high quality Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Risk Management Consulting and Advisory Services throughout South East Asia.

Our specialist services help inform our clients’ business transaction risk management decisions, fulfil their regulatory compliance requirements, assess Environmental and Social (E&S) performance and satisfy E&S conditions associated with securing loans, equity financing and credit guarantees from financiers. We also specialise in providing independent E&S assessment, management and monitoring services to project lenders, investors and guarantors.

SLP Environmental has a proven track record across multiple business sectors and international jurisdictions, including Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. We have booked repeat business from some of the largest global companies including many of the Fortune Global 500 listed companies.

Our in-house multinational team of expatriate and ASEAN discipline specialists are supplemented by a comprehensive network of approved Associates and Contractors throughout the greater ASEAN region. This enables us to quickly respond to our clients’ needs and deploy quickly into the field to provide a broad range of high quality environmental, social, health, safety risk management services.

SLP Environmental has extensive experience working on numerous highly sensitive projects, and our clients can be confident that the quality of our work is such that it will withstand robust third party scrutiny. We are also acutely aware of the potential commercial and reputational liabilities that often accompany sensitive assignments, and our clients can rest assured that SLP fully understands these sensitivities.

Since our inception, SLP Environmental has grown to become one of South East Asia’s leading brands in the environmental, social, health and safety consultancy sector.

Our Services

Business Transaction Due Diligence

Business Transaction Due Diligence

ESG / Enviro<i></i>nmental & Social Due Diligence / ESMS

ESG / Environmental & Social Due Diligence / ESMS

Impact Assessment & Planning

Impact Assessment & Planning

Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

Co<i></i>ntaminated Site Assessment & Management

Contaminated Site Assessment & Management

Stakeholder & Community Engagement

Stakeholder & Community Engagement

Ecology & Habitat Assessment

Ecology & Habitat Assessment

Expert Review & Technical Assistance

Expert Review & Technical Assistance

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