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Warehouse Safety 7/25~26ShangHai(Online participation)仓库安全

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Edit time: 2024-05-28 17:40
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Integrated Warehouse Safety

Course Highlights

This couse cover the strategy to efficiently mitigate and eliminate collision risk from PIV and staffs.

This couse has a breif introduction about major risks and safety mitigation measure from high rack storage warehose in the point of machine safety control principles.

This course offers the guidline how to correctly manage at- risk behaivors based on combined utililzation of BBS and AI camera’s application.

This course has a description about what is fire safey key focus and practice for a warehouse and what we shall take control of  for hazardous chemial from operation perspectives.


GM/PM, operation manager and logistics&warehouse manager

EHS Direcotor, EHS manager etc.

Others who feel interested to join

Section1 Risk Rdentification and Safety Control for Loading/Unloading Area and Warehouse

1.Define the major flow of staff access way from loading&unloading areas to warehouse and ensure staff flow path is a closed circle.

2.Define the Power industrical truck cirlucation flow from loading&unloading areas to warehouse and ensure that flow path is a closed circle.

3.Put the pedestrain way flow and powered indutrial truck pathway into the same map

4.Identify the crossing area betwen pedstrain way and powered industrial trurck pathway and the adjacent areas betwen both

5.Encode these high risk areas from the map and conduct risk assessment for these identified areas/points and list risk ranking level for them.

6.Set up risk reduction strategy based on listed  risk rankig level in accorance with seqeunce of risk elimnation/enginnering control etc. Strong and reliable engingging safety measure msut be taken for high risk area/point.

7.Identify high risk areas where nobody will be allowed to access due to fatality risk

 Section 2 Warehouse Safety Principles

1.Safety devices requirements for forklfit

2.Safety requirements for crossing areas

3.Loading and unloading Safety requirements from lateral side of truck

4.Loading and unloading Safety requirements from back side of truck

5.Pedestrain safety requirements

6.Storage safety requirements

7.Rack safety requirements

8.Loading and unloading safety requirements

9.Other safety requirements

Section 3 Behavior- basd Safety Approach

1. BBS application in warehouse

2.Establish targetted safety behaivor list for warehouse operation

3.Case sharing for combined utilization of BBS and AI technology

Section 4 Auto High Rack Storage Warehouse Safety

1. Brief introduction for auto high rack stroage

2.Risk and safety mitigation measures

2.1Falling hazards and protection

2.1.1Protection netting for rack

2.1.2Safety protection for entrnce of alley

2.1.3Falling protection while ascending up to top of lift and equipment

2.1.4Climbing ladder safety

2.1.5 Smart system application to reduce the chance to ascend up

2.2 Machine safety

2.2.1Protecion measures agianst collision from stacker crane

2.2.2Mainteance work inside the aisle

2.2.3 Safety requirements for materials lift

2.2.4 Safety requirements for materials conveyor

2.2.5 Prevention of unintended startup

2.2.6 Safety controlling system requirement

2.2.7 LOTO

2.3 PPE

2.4 Emerngey response plan and practice requirements

Section 5 Fire Safety Requirements

1.Life safety

²  Evacuation path and evacuation door

²  Emergency lighting

²  Emegency alarm

²  Evacuation plan

²  Emergency evacuation organization

²  Evacuation pratice

2.Fire safety training& capability


4.Warehouse fire safety inspection

5.Lighting requirements

6.Movable /portable electrical appliance

7.Battery charging

²  Singel charging station

²  Centralized charging station

²  Indoor storage

²  Outdoor storage

8.Sprinkler princile

²  Back to back rack width

²  TOP-open box

²  Safety distance between sprinker head and obstruction materails

9. Fire separation

²  Fire mandoor and fire shuttle door

²  Fire sealing

²  Fire damper

10. Smoke detectors and fire alarm

²  Coveage

²  Desgin

²  Detection and activation

²  Maintenance


²  Coverage

²  Design

²  Maintenance

²  Sprinkler requrments

12.Hot work permit &control

13.Fire system impairment

Section 6 Hazardous Chemical Management

1.Hazardous chemical category

2.Storage safety

RMB 4980 / person (including training and lunch expenses, other transportation, accommodation and dinner expenses)

To register, contact cs@ehscity.com or 021-69980278

sponsor: EHSCity Development Co., Ltd

EHSCity Investment Management Co., Ltd



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