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Risk based Process Safety(RBPS)10/14~16中国上海(可在线参加)

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Risk-based process safety management training seminars

Risk based Process Safety(RBPS)

中国 上海

Features of the Seminar:

based on the latest domestic "Guidelines for Chemical Process Safety Management" AQ/T 3034-2022

Extraction and integration of the CCPS Risk-based Process Safety Management-RBPS standard core  requirements

Explain in detail the management requirements and standards of the core elements of risk-based process safety management

In-depth explanation of strategies and methods to improve the performance of enterprise process safety management PSM

Effectively establish, implement, inspect and improve the process safety management system based on PDCA

Exercises and discussions of effective PHA analysis tools for different processes and working conditions based on business risk

Management strategies and key management and technical requirements for effective prevention of major process safety accidents based on Bow-Tie analysis

Combined with the implementation experience and best practices of process safety management of well-known multinational chemical enterprises and domestic excellent enterprises

Abundant video data, analysis, practice and discussion of major process safety accidents

Who should attend

This course is designed for personnel who areresponsible for PSM, or participate process safetymanagement, or those who are responsible foroperation or engineering work in manufacturing sitesespecial deal with hazardous chemicals.

The following personnel will benefit to attend this course:

Managers, safety representatives, health and safety advisors and people who work in process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals.

The outcomes includes:

Understanding the key factors of process safety management

Understanding hazard identification, risk assessment, and management of risk

Understanding the process safety culture and commitment

Understanding how to implement sustainable improvements in process safety management

Course Outline

Safety experience sharing

Participant Introduction/Breakout Session Rules

Introduction to the seminar

Part 1: Process Safety Management PSM Definitions and Standards

Accident case: Chernobyl and Bhopal disaster accidents

Process Safety Management PSM Definition

Process safety management standards

Process safety management strategy

Accident & Process Safety Management

Typical problems and deficiencies of process safety management in domestic enterprises

Part II: Risk-based safety management of chemical processes

Challenges and reasons for the stagnation of PSM in traditional process safety management

Case Discussion (1).

Strategies and approaches to improve process safety management

Risk-based definition of RBPS for process safety

Center for Chemical Process Safety CCPS Accident Prevention Principles and RBPS Elements

Chemical Process Safety Management Guidelines AQ/T 3034-2022

Part III: Elements of Chemical Process Safety Management

Element 1: Safety Leadership

Requirements for safety leadership management

Safety Leadership Model

Safety leadership building content

Typical problems and solutions of safety leadership building

Accident case (2).

Element 2: PSM Responsibility

Requirements for Responsibility requirements

Exercise (1): Assignment of Process Safety Management Responsibilities

Typical problems and solutions of PSM Responsibility

Element 3: Compliance with standards

Requirements for compliance with standards requirements


Typical problems and solutions of Compliance with standards

Element 4: Process information management

Requirements for the classification and management of process safety information

Typical problems and solutions of process safety information management

Accident case (3).

Element 5: Training and performace assurance

Accident case (4).

Requirements for training and performace assurance

Process Safety Capability Needs Analysis and Capability Matrix

Personnel capacity assessment management

Typical problems and solutions for training and performace assurance

Element 6: Risk Management

Accident case (5).

Requirements for Risk management

Hazard identification scope and method

Common risk assessment methods

Occupational Activity Risk Assessment Methodology: Job Safety Analysis JSA

Process Hazard Risk Assessment Methodology: Process Hazard Analysis (PHA).

Phases of application of PHA

PHA implementation process


Safety Checklist SCL



Consequence Analysis CA

Analysis of Other Risk Factors (ISP/HF/FS)


Typical problems and solutions of risk management

Element 7: Plant safety planning and design

Accident Cases (6)

Requirements for plant safety planning and design management

Intrinsically safe design management

Typical problems and solutions for plant safety planning and design

Element 8: Operational readiness

Accident Cases(7)

Requirements for Operational readiness

Chemical plant start-up management process and key points

Pre-Startup Safety Review-PSSR

Exercise (6)

Typical problems and solutions for operational readiness

Element 9: Safe Operation

Accident Cases (8)

Requirements for safe operation

Key points of plant start-up &Shut-down management

Abnormal situation and alarm management

Typical problems and solutions for safe operation

Element 10: Equipment integrity management

Accident Cases (9)

Equipment Integrity Management System Standards  

Equipment classification and Risk analysis

Exercise (7)   

Quality Assurance QA

Inspection, testing and preventive maintenance ITPM

Exercise (8)   

Defect management

Leakage management

Typical problems and solutions for equipment integrity management

Element 11: Safety Instrumented Management

Accident Cases(10)

Safety instrumented system SIS lifecycle management requirements

SIS Device Integrity Management Essentials and SIL Verification Contents

Typical problems and solutions of safety instrumented management

Element 12: Management of major hazards

Management and technical requirements for major hazards

Typical problems and solutions for the management of major hazards

Element 13: Permit to work

Accident Cases (11)

Work permit management requirements and scope of application

Work permit management process

High-risk job management

Energy Isolation Management & Technology

Exercise (9)

Typical problems and solutions of work permit management

Element 14: Contractor Safety Management  

Accident Cases(12)

Contractor Safety Management Requirements

Contractor safety management process

Typical problems and solutions for contractor safety management

Element 15: Management of change

Accident Cases(13)

Requirements for Management of change

MOC process

Technical and eqpuipment change risk assessment

Exercise (10-11)

Typical problems and solutions for MOC

Element 16: Emergency Preparedness and Response

Requirements for Emergency Preparedness and Response Management

Construction of emergency management system

Preparation of emergency plans based on scenario construction

Emergency drill management and improvement

Exercise (12)

Typical problems and solutions

Element 17: Incident management

Incident management requirements

Classification and grading of accidents

Accident Root Cause-RCA Analysis

Exercise (13)

Typical problems and solutions of incident management

Element 18: Inherently safer design

Accident Cases(14)

Requirements for ISD

Typical problems and solutions of ISD

Element 19: Safety culture

Accident Cases(15)

Requirements for safety culture

Definition of process safety culture

The content of the construction of process safety culture

Typical problems and solutions for the construction of process safety culture

Element 20: Management Review and Continuous

Requirements for Management Review and Continuous

Exercise (14)

Typical problems and solutions of Management Review and Continuous


Part 4: Promotion and implementation of process safety management   

Process safety management promotion and implementation steps

Establish a process safety management system based on enterprise operational risk control  

Management leadership and commitment  

Foster a culture of excellence in process safety   

Fully implement the process safety management system   

Achieve excellent PSM operation through operational discipline

Bow-Tie-based barrier integrity and effectiveness management

Key points of process safety management introduction and improvement management in chemical enterprises


The fee is 6980 RMB per person.
To register, please contact cs@ehscity.com or 021-69980278

EHSCity Development Co., Ltd

Xinhuan Kangan (Shenzhen) Development Co., Ltd

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