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Skytrust by Skytrust - The all-in-one platform to manage compliance, gain accreditation, win tenders

Brand: Skytrust
Price: N/A
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Area: China
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2019-11-25 16:37
Hits: 99
Skytrust is a cloud based integrated management system providing a holistic integrated management approach to your organisations compliance and due diligence. The user-friendly tools assist with risk management, safety, quality, environment, inductions, assets and plant management. Skytrust delivers a real time dashboard providing trending performance indicators. Designed to directly align to Australian and International Standards, this approach has proven successful in any industry sector.
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Industrial Robot Safety Practice3/14 上海 无人驾驶工业用移动车辆(AGV&AMR)安全实践 Behavior Based Safety9/29~30上海(可在线)行为安全 Cmical Reaction Hazard9/15~16 上海(可在线)  化学反应危害识别与分析 Chemical Reaction Hazard4/14~15 上海(可在线) 化学反应危害识别与分析 Industrial Robot Safety Practice8/15 上海 无人驾驶工业用移动车辆(AGV&AMR)安全实践 Behavior Based Safety3/17~18 上海(可在线) 行为安全 High Potential EHS Director Successor4/28~29 上海(可在线)EHS总监后备班 High Potential EHS Director Successor7/28~29 上海 (可在线)EHS总监后备班