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DataChem Software Inc. - LEADER in Certification Training

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Edit time: 2020-03-26 16:59
Hits: 182

Founded in 1986, and a leader in certification training, DataChem Software, Inc. is a technology based company specializing in helping professionals study for, and pass their certification exams.

DataChem’s self-study programs are ideal for those who want to prepare at their own pace for a certification exam.   Our exam preparation methodology includes frequent practice tests so that you can identify areas where additional study is required, and then track your improvement over time.   Practice tests are followed by in-depth study sessions allow you to dive deep in functional areas where you require further study

We encourage you to take a free 10 question practice exam so you can decide if the program works for your study style and habits.   Tens of thousands of exam-takers have used DataChem programs to study for and pass their certification exams. 

DataChem has expanded its product line to include over 25 different certification preparation programs in the Safety, Occupational Health, and Supply Chain and Inventory Management, professions, including:

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Industrial Robot Safety Practice3/14 上海 无人驾驶工业用移动车辆(AGV&AMR)安全实践 Behavior Based Safety9/29~30上海(可在线)行为安全 Cmical Reaction Hazard9/15~16 上海(可在线)  化学反应危害识别与分析 Chemical Reaction Hazard4/14~15 上海(可在线) 化学反应危害识别与分析 Industrial Robot Safety Practice8/15 上海 无人驾驶工业用移动车辆(AGV&AMR)安全实践 Behavior Based Safety3/17~18 上海(可在线) 行为安全 High Potential EHS Director Successor4/28~29 上海(可在线)EHS总监后备班 High Potential EHS Director Successor7/28~29 上海 (可在线)EHS总监后备班