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ACGIH - Defining the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health

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Edit time: 2020-03-26 15:52
Hits: 105

Over 80 Years of Service to OEHS Professionals

For over 80 years, ACGIH® has been respected for its dedication to the industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental health and safety communities. We have grown and expanded without losing sight of our original goal – to encourage the interchange of experience among industrial hygiene workers and to collect and make accessible such information and data as might be of aid to them in the proper fulfillment of their duties. This original goal is reflected in both our current mission – the advancement of occupational and environmental health – and in our tagline: Defining the Science of Occupational and Environmental Health.

This scientific information and data are provided to members and others in the industry through ACGIH® and AIHA's monthly peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene(JOEH), and our professional conferences and seminars, as well as through our vast list of technical and scientific publications, including the renowned TLVs® and BEIs® book. 

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